Real Estate Professional Photography

Real estate professionals and photographers have a lot in common. They both generally trade on the confidence that a prospective client has in the work that you do.

That confidence is generally derived from hearing about excellent experiences that trusted friends, business associates and family have had with you. It also depends on you looking well put together and approachable. And lastly, from a competitive perspective, it depends on looking active and successful.

Each of these things require the same support… photos that associate you directly, visually, with the great work that you do. From a photography perspective, it requires a fabulous professional image, association with the kinds of properties that match your expertise, and association with the successes you have had with specific people that you have served.

I focus real estate specific photography on your image, your inventory and your successes


My goal as a photographer serving the real estate industry is to build your business by amplifying the word of mouth processes that every real estate professional needs to rise above the competition. To win listings and the opportunity to serve buyers.

To do so, I take photos that support your professional image, associate you personally with the kinds of houses you commonly work with and probably most importantly, assure that you have the photos needed to show that you have done great things for specific people in a way that will cause them to tell everyone that they know about you.

Real Estate Professional Photography Reviews


“Kitta is simply one of a kind. She pulls he absolute best out of even the most camera shy individual. She’s fun, professional, and just all around amazing. I spent an entire day with her in 3 separate properties, and she never missed a beat!”

— Krystin B

“Kitta was so lovely to work with. She has a great demeanor and was able to capture my sister and my personality during our headshot photo shoot. I would highly recommend Kitta for corporate shots as well as family pictures.”

— Carrie G

“I have never loved any of my professional headshots, until I hired Kitta! Getting my headshot taken was always a dreaded uncomfortable, awkward and the end result never looked like me. Enter Kitta, with wardrobe, makeup and hair advice, and her calm, lovely demeanor. Everyone in my company LOVES their photo...finally! Kitta is amazing!”

— Leia C

Social Platform Reviews for Kitta Bodmer Photography

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